Saturday, February 27, 2010


Gracie and Amanda came to visit me, and we had sooooo much fun.  :)


First things first, they were here for just over 72 hours and we managed to consume a staggering 4 gelatos each.  Impressive, I know.  But that was just the beginning of our fun in Milano...


No visit to Milan is complete without a visit to the columns.


And Duomo.  Of course.   : )


I have the most photogenic friends on the planet.  So adorable!


It was a festive time at Duomo, with belated carnival celebrations taking place.


Balloons were selling like hotcakes, especially the hearts, dolphins, and knock-off Disney / Warner Bros. chacters.


There was confetti everywhere.


Really truly, everywhere.


Next up was a stroll over to Parco Sempione.

Adorable sister.

Adorable friends.


It was 52*F, which felt balmy after months of snow and slush!


Inside the park, a carnival was set up to celebrate.... carnival.


Amanda was brave enough to ride the kiddie slide with me.  :)



Which put us in the mood for... you guessed it:  FOOD.


Yum.  Parco Sempione has an amazing panini stand.


After our mid-day snack, we took a short stroll over to see the aquarium.


The building itself is really neat to look at.

Party Tank.


This man was giving a tour to a group of kindergardeners... they were all wearing jellyfish hats that the made in the arts and crafts room on the first floor.  The hats were made out of recycled plastic bags, and the man bobbed up and down when he walked, like a jelly fish, and all the kids copied him.  It was the most adorable batch of mini-Italians I've ever seen.


Heh.  Sharks.  :)

After a near miss with a shark attack, we walked back through the park on our way home...

And just happened to wander through the castle.


It was torture, but we put up with it.


Too bad it's so ugly.


To get home, we had no choice but to fight our way through the confetti masses once more.


Being that confetti is so contrary to our nature, once again, this was difficult for us.


: )


After all of the confetti and walking, we needed more gelato.  Clearly.





After a day filled with cotton candy, gelato, paninis, confetti, and adorable children, we needed some nice homemade chow to lift our spirits.

You can see how depressed we were from our day.


Too bad we didn't have more fun.


Thank goodness for friends.  :)
<3 Beth


  1. You all have put a smile on my face on a gloomy Monday. Thank you!!!
