Casey and Lari sitting on the steps of the arena.
The steps inside the arena.
I was impressed by how old it was... the steps inside were big, too.
The pit of the arena was sand, and there were people walking around taking pictures.
Abandoned apple.
Me, in front of the arena. :)
We were standing in some kind of stone booth thing.
I'm not sure what it was used for, but I felt important standing in it.
Pichamon, Lari, & Casey, in the booth.
From the top row of steps/seats in the arena, you could see most of Verona.
Including this cute rooftop courtyard.
It must be weird for them, seeing tourists peeking over the top of the arena.
Hehe... :)
You can see the edge of the arena at the bottom of this picture.
Such pretty old buildings. I liked the simple cross on this one.
Roofs, roofs, everywhere... !
The end!
If you're ever in Italy, put Verona (and the arena) on your must do list!
I really like the photo of the satellite dishes!